HERE Maps (HERE was once owned by Nokia but has been acquired by a consortium of German automakers) disappeared from the Windows Phone and Windows 10 …
A few days ago users on Windows 10 Mobile noticed that HERE maps had received an update that effectively rendered the app useless. Opening the app showed a message to users saying that a newer, better version of HERE maps is available to use. However tapping OK never really took us anywhere and users were left without a usable HERE maps app.HERE had responded then, that this was due to a … Mapas de Windows 10 Mobile: ¿sustituto de las … Una de las aplicaciones que menos se está hablando de Windows 10 Mobile, es la nueva aplicación de Mapas que se incorpora. Todos conocemos las aplicaciones de Here, la fama que tienen, la calidad y la diferenciación que han aportado a Windows Phone. Pero tras la compra de la división de móviles de Nokia por Microsoft hace ya dos años, y la posterior venta de Here por parte de Nokia, el La desaparición de HERE no es un problema para … Porque você não precisa se preocupar com a saída … “Em 30 de junho de 2016, o HERE Maps não estará mais disponível para os dispositivos executando o Windows 10 Mobile. Use o aplicativo Windows Maps no seu dispositivo para se localizar depois desta data“. Agora o comunicado oficial do site do HERE sobre o assunto: “Nos últimos meses, fizemos aplicativos HERE compatíveis com o Windows 10 usando uma solução que não será mais eficaz
15 мар 2016 Что нового в HERE Maps (Windows Phone): Внимание! С 5 июля 2016 г. приложение на работает в Windows 10 Mobile. HERE Maps on Windows 10 Mobile. I have a Lumia 820 updated to 10.0. 10586.545. Since it was announced HERE Maps no longer supported 15 Mar 2016 Here Maps is leaving the Windows 10 app store, in another blow to On Windows Phone 8.1 and now Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft's 15 Mar 2016 Here has announced that it's dropping much of its support for Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile. The company is pulling its apps from auf beiden das navi - beim lumia here+ und here city lens, den Kartendienst Here Maps, die Navi-Lösung Here Drive+ oder die ÖPNV-Suche Dein Lumia läßt sich fast absolut sicher nicht auf Windows 10 Mobile updaten,
So, we may need to wait a bit more for HERE apps to show up in the store, though Windows 10 Mobile native Maps app has seem lots of improvement and now looks like a viable alternative, though Windows Maps updated for Windows 10 Mobile … Microsoft has released a new update to Windows Maps on Windows 10 Mobile devices. The update has no major changes but a new feature has been introduced. The update was earlier available to Windows App de Mapas do Windows 10 Mobile é atualizado … Pouco se comenta sobre o novo aplicativo de Mapas do Windows 10 Mobile, e as coisas não deveriam ser assim. Sabe por que? Porque ele é incrivelmente bom e funcional. Ele reúne tudo o que tinha de bom no HERE Maps e HERE Drive e até de outros apps da suíte HERE, em um só […] Create more with the latest Windows 10 Maps … For the Windows 10 Creators Update, we continue to use data from both Bing Maps and HERE, but we’ve revamped the Windows Maps platform with an updated pipeline that paves the way for improvements to our global map data. The updated map engine brings the beauty of our 3D experience to Road view—everything from mountains and valleys to the roads you drive every day better reflect the …
Windows 10: Die Here-Apps sind wieder da - … Google Maps for Windows 10 becomes a possibility … Google Maps for Windows 10 becomes a possibility with Maps App Discovery . by Dennis Bednarz Email Twitter: @denaxin Jul 9th, 2016 in News. Until recently, the only way to get a Google Maps app on HERE WeGo Alternatives for Windows Phone - …
Navigate the World with Windows 10 Maps for …